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- We start a campagne to attract some new members.   The efforts pay off, we climb towards 20 members again!

- A new tradition: the first Avalon-party is held.

- We count 58 activities in Belgium and visit 10 foreign caves.

BELGIUMBretaye: giant boulder Salle du Chaos
- In the Bretaye cave, we find several hundreds of metres of new passages.  The "Ultimate Junction" with the resurgence is still not made, despite a lot of work.  Paul and Rudi nearly die when the roof suddenly comes down, near our "dig", and we freeze the work in that area.  

- We start a totally mad dig in Trou Dury, which (after countless weekends) only yields 55 metres. 

- First works at the entrance of what would become "Grotte Strauss".

- In the French Doubs we do a "complete" Vauvougier; and we also stay another week in the French Ard?he (but very bad weather!).

- The ultimate achievement however, is our succesful Gouffre Berger (France) expedition.  After the bad luck we had there in 1987, we now bottom the cave, thanks to our club that functions like a well oiled machine.  Two teams reach the depth of, -1140 m.

Gouffre Berger: the Rivi?e -1000 ( at -1050m!)

Contacteer/contact us:  SC Avalon vzw
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