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CLUBLIFENew name, new sticker!
- We are pretty fed up with the confusion between  S.C. Avernus ("us") and Avernus VZW ("them"), and decide to change the name of the club in S.C. AVALON.  Our reputation is growing fast and we don't like the way the others profit of it. 
- We count 67 activities in Belgium and visit 20 different foreign caves!

- We continue digging everywhere, but still without any spectacular results.
- When not digging, we cave as hell.

FOREIGN CAVINGJoker "Strauss" reads the MAKRO-magazine at -500m in  Gouffre Berger
- For the first time we go the French "Causses"; a beautiful region in the South.  In fact it stole away our hearts and in the coming years, we would come back often.   We did some magnificent caves, such as Aven des Hures & Puech N?re.

- First visit to England, where we go caving in Yorkshire.

- And again we try to bottom the Gouffre Berger, this time we have joined a British team. Despite lots of preparation, both physically and logistically, the weather Gods decide it differently.  A flash flood nearly kills one of us in the pitches, 4 others have to sit it out for an entire day in the cave, and waterlevels remain dangerously high for several days.   Nevertheless we do reach -903m, but we all feel very disappointed. 

- We go climbing for a week in the French Alps  (Parc des Ecrins).Rudi and Annette in the Parc des Ecrins

Contacteer/contact us:  SC Avalon vzw
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