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Bois de Waerimont - Reseau du Nouvel An

In 1996 Jos Beyens and Chris Sinnaeve, at that time both members of Caving club  Persephone, began working in a little cave in Eprave. After many weekends of work, assisted by SC Avalon, they discovered a major new part: Réseau de l”Euphorie  (863 m long). 
In September 1997 Jos & Chris left Persephone and joined SC Avalon. Avalon continued the work and explored, after numerous trips (over 200  - yes two hundred!) two important branches of the cave system:  Réseau du Nouvel An (1997-98) and Réseau du Printemps (1999). Réseau du Nouvel An is quite big, it totals nearly 1200 m.  Réseau du Printemps yielded in only 6 months of time over 1700 m "première" (new passage).  Today, the exploration is still going on.
The total length of the cave system is now nearly 4500 m , making it one of the 5 biggest in Belgium!

The new parts are a complex labyrinth of relatively small and low galleries and crawls, and very big and often well decorated rooms.  There is still a big potential to extend the cave even more!  Galerie des Merveilles

In the meantime, it is already possible to visit the cave. However, due to the decorated nature of the cave and some very delicate passages, a party can not consist out of more than 6 persons.  And this group will even be split in two smaller groups that are guided independently through the cave!
We can (and will) guide 6 different  groups per year which is already a big investment in time for us (I hope you will understand that we are very busy discovering other caves).  Also, we want to limit the impact of visiting the cave  in order to preserve it better. 

We only guide clubs around that are member of an official caving federation.  A club can only apply ONCE per year; because everybody must get a chance.   No e-mails accepted, only a written letter to SC Avalon,  which must be made by the club secretary or president only.

The visit will show you  the entire Réseau de l'Euphorie, a big part of Réseau du Nouvel An, and a small glimps of Réseau du Printemps.   In short: Entrance - Boyau Hilti - Mééndre des Perles - Puits de l'Espoir Retrouv? - Salle de l'Euphorie - Salle du Prisonnier - (change clothes here) - Galerie des Merveilles - Salle de l'Aventure - Le Puzzle - Boyau Bottes - Salle des D?arts.

It is a 6 to 7 hour trip, for which you need a good physical condition; it is only suited for experienced cavers!   Electric light only OF COURSE!

Finally we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the cave is protected by law and has the status of Cavité d'Intéret Scientifique.

All requests have to be send by letter only (no mail) to:
Speleoclub Avalon vzw
Paul De Bie
Jan de Bodtlaan 59
2650 Edegem

Download hier het toegangsreglement (PDF-formaat) in het Nederlands.

T??hargez ici le r?lement d'acc? en Fran?is (format PDF)

3D-survey of Reseau de Waerimont (Compass CaveX)

3D topo van Bois de Waerimont

Contacteer/contact us:  SC Avalon vzw
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